[redland-dev] How does OPTIONAL work?

Marinaio di terra marinaioditerra at gmail.com
Mon May 16 12:58:29 BST 2005

Hi all,
I'm a student working at my master thesis and I'm working on a project
based on Semantic Web technologies.
I'm using Python and the Redland-Python-binding, but I'm having some
troubles querying using the OPTIONAL parameter.

If I have a data file like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [<!ENTITY xsd "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#">]>

<toy:Toy rdf:ID="Ball">

<toy:Toy rdf:ID="BigBall">
  <toy:name>Big Ball</toy:name>


and I query for the toys name and optionally their version with this:
q = RDF.Query("PREFIX toy: <file:./toy-schema.rdf#> " +
              "SELECT ?name ?ver " +
              "WHERE (?x toy:name ?name) " +
              "OPTIONAL (?x toy:version ?ver)",

I obtain the expected results:
      <ver bound="false"/>
      <name>Big Ball</name>

But if the query is like this:
q = RDF.Query("PREFIX toy: <file:./toy-schema.rdf#> " +
              "SELECT ?name ?ver " +
              "WHERE (<file:./sample.rdf#Ball> toy:name ?name) " +
              "OPTIONAL (<file:/sample.rdf#Ball> toy:version ?ver)",

I don't obtain anything:

Is it a correct behavior or a bug in the library?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english...


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