Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to execute a simple sparql construct query using the following C# code (VS2005).<br><br>Redland.MemoryStorage ms = new MemoryStorage();<br>Redland.Model m = new Model(ms);<br>m.AddStatement(new Statement(new Node("
<a href="http://test.org">http://test.org</a>"),new Node("<a href="http://hasTest">http://hasTest</a>"), new Node("<a href="http://testvalue">http://testvalue</a>"))); <br>Query q = new Query("CONSTRUCT {?subject ?predicate ?object} WHERE {?subject ?predicate ?object}",null,"sparql",null);
<br>QueryResults qr = q.Execute(m);<br>foreach (object qo in qr)<br>{<br> Console.WriteLine(qo.ToString());<br>}<br><br>There seems to be no result and I see the following error:Current = 'qr.Current' threw an exception of type '
System.AccessViolationException'<br><br>If I excecute a SELECT query there is not problem. Any suggestions how to solve this? <br><br>Greetings,<br>Arnoud<br><br>